Kanzlei Kues & Partner
The Constance law firm Kues & Partner with its team of lawyers and specialists, is one of the oldest and most renowned law firms on Lake Constance. It has been firmly anchored in the region for decades and at the same time has excellent national and international networks.

Kanzlei Bilidt + Partner
The specialized law firm Bilidt + Partner in Radolfzell advises with legal competence on legal problems of a civil and criminal nature, with the aim of always helping clients to achieve the desired results in the most uncomplicated way possible.

clavisto is the talent program for excellent young lawyers and offers students, graduates and young professionals the possibility to inform themselves extensively about the clavisto partner law firms and the respective career opportunities as well as to use the platform as an application tool.

Law&Legal Studentische Rechtsberatung e.V.
Law&Legal is a registered non-profit association and at the same time a pioneer in the field of student legal advice in Germany. Advice is provided free of charge in Bayreuth, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Halle, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Munich and Tübingen - by students for students.

The career network e-fellows.net supports students and doctoral candidates with outstanding academic achievements, internships, stays abroad and extracurricular activities with the e-fellows.net online scholarship.
Stipendiaten erhalten unter anderem kostenfreie Zeitungsabos und Recherchemöglichkeiten in fachspezifischen Datenbanken. Durch exklusive Praktikums- und Einstiegsangebote sowie ein Mentorenprogramm knüpfen die Stipendiaten Kontakte zu Top-Unternehmen.

Federal Association of Student Legal Counsellors
LAW & LAKE is a member of the Association of Student Legal Advisors (BSRB), umbrella organization and thus at the same time network and hub between the student legal advisors in Germany.

Umbrella organisation of student legal advice centres
LAW & LAKE is a member of the Umbrella organisation of student legal advice centres and thus parts of a nationwide network of student legal advisors with different fields of advice.

CMS Foundation
LAW & LAKE is a member of the CMS Foundation and thus part of a nationwide support network.