Weihnachtsfeier & Managing Partner Wechsel
Am Dienstag, den 10.Dezember 2024 fand unsere alljährliche Weihnachtsfeier statt. Wir unterhielten uns über spannende Fälle aus dem vergangenen Jahr und genossen den gemeinsamen Team-Abend.
Dabei verabschiedeten wir auch Florian Reiners in seiner Funktion als Managing Partner. Wir danken Florian für sein Engagement und wünschen ihm einen guten Start ins Referendariat und freuen uns, dass er uns als Berater bei LAW & LAKE erhalten bleibt.
Zugleich freuen wir uns, mit Fabian Albicker einen engagierten Nachfolger gefunden zu haben.
10 years LAW & LAKE

On 27 July 2024, we celebrated our 10th anniversary in the Wolkensteinsaal in Constance. After a brief review of the founding of our student legal advice centre in 2014, we looked back on the successes of the last 10 years.
Many thanks to Ms Gisela Kusche (Deputy Mayor Burchardt), Ms Matilda Simon (Board Member of the DSR), Mr Tobias Lämmle (Senior Associate at Momentum) and Prof. Dr Liane Wörner for the wonderful words of welcome afterwards!
After a brief outlook on the future of LAW & LAKE and student legal counselling in general, the relaxed part of the evening began at the buffet. The evening was rounded off with cold drinks and plenty of conversation.
Many thanks to CMS for the financial support of the anniversary celebration!
To another 10 years!

Change of Managing Partner at LAW & LAKE

Last Monday (25 March 2024), we bid farewell to Celina Wagner in her role as Managing Partner.
We would like to thank Celina for her extraordinary commitment, including the organisation of training courses and team meetings, and for her constant willingness to help with questions of all kinds.
We wish her a good start to her traineeship and are delighted that she will remain with us as Managing Director of LAW & LAKE.
At the same time, we are delighted to have found an experienced successor in Florian Reiners.
Workshop with HEUKING

On Friday, 15 December 2023, we had an interactive workshop with the law firm HEUKING in Stuttgart.
The topic was the drafting of contracts for company acquisitions and sales. It was nice to see that some parts of this complex subject matter could also be understood on the basis of the basics from the degree programme.
Afterwards, we had dinner together at the law firm and talked about our experiences during the traineeship and the various options for starting a career.
Many thanks to Dr Emanuel Teichmann and Mr Marcel Behrendt for this entertaining and exciting workshop.
Adviser as counsel before the labour court

Since the beginning of August, Katharina Lutz, Celina Wagner and Daniel Goll have been assisting a client in proceedings against her old employer. The out-of-court settlement we had sought was rejected by the other party, leaving our client with no other option than to file a lawsuit with the Villigen-Schwennigen Labour Court.
On Monday, 20 November 2023, the conciliation hearing took place before a chamber of the labour court in Radolfzell. Our managing partner and managing director Celina Wagner supported our client as counsel within the meaning of Section 11 (6) ArbGG; the presiding judge allowed this at his discretion.
The result of the conciliation hearing was a settlement that was very satisfactory to our client.
We would like to thank our client for the trust placed in us and are pleased that we were able to defend her interests in court!
Federal networking meeting 2023

This weekend (10-12 November 2023) the BAT-2023 took place in Munich. Like last year, it was two exciting and informative days during which many new contacts were made.
Many thanks to the Dachverband Studentischer Rechtsberatungen e.V. for the great and elaborate organisation! Also a big thank you to the CMS Foundation, without whom all this and much more could not take place.
See you next year!

Alumni Reunion

On 07 October 2023 we had a get-together with former LAW & LAKE advisors in a convivial round.
It was very nice to see old familiar faces again and to exchange ideas about the various paths and opportunities after graduation.
Farewell to Prof. Dr Christian Picker
Last Sunday (01 October 2023) we said goodbye to Prof. Dr. Christian Picker at LAW & LAKE. We thank him sincerely for his commitment and wish him a good start at the University of Tübingen.
At the same time, we welcome Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Gräf to the team and we are looking forward to working with him.
Excursion to the OPPENLÄNDER law firm in Stuttgart

Last Friday (04.08.2023), we were invited by Dr Henrike Schulte to the offices of OPPENLÄNDER in Stuttgart. After a small reception and a round of introductions, Dr Henrike Schulte gave us exciting insights into her work as a lawyer in constitutional law. Among other things, we discussed the constitutional issues during the Corona pandemic, the complaint of a member of parliament against the blocking of sessions and the possibility now recognised by the VGH that state parliamentary groups can assert the rights of the state parliament in organ dispute proceedings against the parliament itself in the capacity of legal representative.
In addition, together with Ms Julia Felger, they showed us the different opportunities during the legal traineeship and career entry and introduced us to the doctoral model of the OPPENLÄNDER law firm.
Afterwards, we ended the evening together in Stuttgart's city centre.
Many thanks to Dr Henrike Schulte and Ms Julia Felger for the varied and in-depth insights into the work of the law firm. Special thanks go to Ms Sarah Baumgartner for organising the framework conditions.

Change of Managing Director at LAW & LAKE

Our Managing Partner Celina Wagner was appointed Managing Director of the company with effect from 29 July 2023. She replaces Florian Christ, whom we sincerely thank for his commitment to LAW & LAKE. In addition to Celina Wagner, our founder, Sebastian Puhl, remains Managing Director.
LAW & LAKE mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Rüthers

We mourn the death of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Rüthers, the former Rector of the University of Konstanz and member of our Board of Trustees. He passed away on 22 June 2023 shortly before his 93rd birthday.
Bernd Rüthers was Rector of the University of Konstanz from 1991 to 1996. He was full professor for civil law and legal theory at the Department of Law from 1971 to 1998 and - as one of the most renowned labour lawyers and most established legal theorists of the 20th century in Germany - a highly respected jurist.
At the same time, Bernd Rüthers was a committed university lecturer who cared deeply about the academic education as well as the personal development of prospective lawyers. Even after his retirement, he offered interdisciplinary seminars and lectures on the philosophy of law and methodology, which students continued to attend with great interest.
Bernd Rüthers was a great supporter of the idea of student legal advice and its implementation in the form of LAW & LAKE at the University of Konstanz. Thus, he supported and accompanied us and our mission since our foundation in 2014 as a member of our board of trustees.
Our deepest sympathy goes to his family and all relatives.
LAW & LAKE will honour the memory of the deceased with grateful remembrance.
Q&A with Allen & Overy LLP

We had a great online workshop with Allen & Overy LLP on 04.05.2023. Thereby, we received very diverse and detailed insights into the working methods of a major international law firm. In addition to experiences and opportunities for career entry, we talked about current topics in labor and finance law in a convivial atmosphere. In the meantime, we also discovered some commonalities in our approach to client work.
Afterwards we finished the evening with a team dinner and a get-together at the Seerhein.
Many thanks to Ms. Anne Pelzer and Mr. Hans-Joachim Jähnrich for this entertaining and instructive workshop. In particular, thanks go to Ms. Roth for organizing the event.
A big thank you also to the CMS Foundation for the financial support that made the framework of this successful event possible.

Professional development with law firm Wallauer-Friedrich, Löwe, Hefner Partnerschaft mbB

Yesterday (01.02.2023) we held our second training this year. It was all about tenancy law, especially about deposits and service charges and their pitfalls. An exciting and entertaining as well as instructive event, which was concluded with a joint dinner. Many thanks again to Ms. Hefner for the great evening and your efforts.
Thanks also to the CMS Foundation, whose financial support enables us to hold regular training sessions with evening events!

Professional training with BFMR law firm

Yesterday (January 11, 2022) we held our advanced training with the Constance law firm BFMR.
Many thanks to Mr. Besuden for the great lecture, many impressions from practice and the nice evening after the training!!!
The focus was on the liability of attorneys and consultants and the new law on evidence in labor law. Tips on pleadings, a few words on the law of evidence and the conduct of negotiations were, of course, also included.

Federal networking meeting 2022

This weekend the federal networking meeting of the German Law Clinics took place in Frankfurt a.M. from 25.11. to 27.11.2022.
A big thank you for this to the DSR for the great organization and the opportunity for constant exchange with other law clinics! We would also like to express our sincere thanks to the CMS-Stiftung, without which such a meeting would also not have been possible!
In addition to a lecture by our DSR representative Florian Reiners, some workshops and other impulse-setting program items, a joint visit to the Christmas market was not to be missed. As a result, it was a very impressive weekend with many new contacts, experiences and ideas for our future consulting activities.
Picknick with Phi Delta Phi

Today, 20.05.2022, our picnic took place together with Phi Delta Phi in Herosépark. Interested new advisors had the chance to get to know the two university groups personally. We also took the opportunity to exchange ideas with Phi Delta Phi. Snacks, fruit, pretzels and cool drinks were provided for the physical well-being.
Update Coronavirus
As the student legal advice service for all, we are pleased to be able to offer personal counselling sessions again. As we care about your protection as well as ours, we continue to offer telephone and online consultations upon request.
You can find our form for case enquiries here..
General advice, current information and recommendations on how to behave can be found at https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/coronavirus.html.
Training in employment tribunal proceedings
On 14.10.2021 our training in "Labor Court Proceedings" took place. Many thanks for this once again to Prof. Dr. Christian Picker for your time and efforts!
Afterwards, the evening was rounded off with a meal together at Logan's.

Norm control application before the Administrative Court
On 27 April 2021, the city of Constance issued a police regulation (PolVO MusSpV), which ordered a ban on music and games from 10 pm to 6 am in large parts of the public city area. Since LAW & LAKE doubted the legality of the PolVO MusSpV, some of our legal advisors filed a complaint against the city. Norm control application to the VGH Baden-Württemberg to suspend the ban on music and gambling at night.
The application resulted in the Illegality of the ban on gamblingwhich was suspended by decision of 5.8.2021. The pleasing result is a success of our applicants, their legal representative Andreas Hennemann and the law firm Rechtsanwälte Rohrer & Kollegen.
The Senate stated that the clear wording of § 3 PolVO MusSpV covered games of all kinds. It was not limited to drinking games such as "beer-pong" and "flunkyball", as the administration intended. Also prohibited are parlour games (card games, board games, etc.), games of movement (tag, hide-and-seek, etc.) as well as sports in certain forms (badminton, table tennis, etc.). The VGH emphasised that games of any kind are generally prohibited. no abstract danger . There was no factual forecast that the prohibited conduct would regularly and typically lead to damage to police property. There were no ascertainable facts that games that were not drinking games had led to disturbances of the night's rest. The VGH concluded that our applicants did not have to accept these restrictions on their general freedom of action.
In our opinion, the VGH wrongly applied the ban on music in § 2 PolVO MusSpV not out of execution.. Dass dieser, gleich einer Gefahrenvorsorge, abstrakt für die Gesundheit gefährliches ebenso wie abstrakt ungefährliches und sozialadäquates Verhalten – sowohl lautes als auch leises Musikhören – undifferenziert erfasst, verkannte der VGH. Ebensowenig überzeugt, dass der VGH in der Grundrechtsabwägung die konkret geltend gemachten Verhaltensweisen der Antragssteller berücksichtigte, obwohl die abstrakte Normenkontrolle ein objektives Beanstandungsverfahren darstellt.
Jannis Bantele, Florian Reiners and Lea Loosen have succeeded in having a fine imposed for a violation of a police regulation prohibiting the use of amplifiers to listen to music on the Seerhein discontinued in court. The Südkurier took this as an opportunity to interview and ask the three advisors about the legality of the police order. interviewenThis is because the city of Constance is currently working on a new, even more far-reaching police regulation.
Our first online training

Due to the current situation, we had to hold our regular training, which focuses on the legal framework of our work, the process of a mandate and last but not least quality assurance, online for the first time. Fortunately, the technology played along, so that nothing stands in the way of further events!
Prize of the University Council

We are extremely pleased: LAW & LAKE was awarded the University Council Prize 2018 at the Dies academicus. We would like to thank the University Council of the University of Konstanz for endowing the prize and for choosing LAW & LAKE as the winner, as well as the KIM film team for the film about our work!